I've worked with Angela for about 5 years now.  I met Angela when I was expecting my son and was working on designing his nursery.  At our first meeting, she walked into my home and felt like a warm sunny breeze.  She did the most unexpected thing - asked if she could look in my closet (acknowledging that it was an odd request).  She pulled out pieces of my jewelry, accessories and clothes that spoke to her and helped her understand me.  She did the same with my husbands items, so she could understand us as family.

This is Angela.  She aims to deeply understand her clients and curates her design accordingly.  Because of Angela's warmth and positivity, she also places a fresh and natural thumbprint on her design, which I value greatly!  I feel at peace in my home and love being in it.  She has always sourced truly unique pieces within my budget and helped me balance forever pieces with non-forever ones seamlessly.  I can't really make a design choice - minor or major - without consulting her!

Ami Mehta

I hired Angela shortly after I signed the contract on my home and after interviewing several interior designers. I was not only impressed with her ideas for my space, but also how much she cared about making sure that the space was a reflection of me and my interests. We spent as much time talking about the potential for my space as we did about my interests and personal style. All too often, designers try to impose their own style and vision on a space that you have to live with every day; Angela was conscious of my style, where I was in life and my own vision and provided guidance and advice that turned my home into a better version of myself. 

I've always felt comfortable telling her my budget and timeline and she's always exceeded my expectations in coming up with a solution that fit my budget and looked fantastic. I can't say enough about wonderful she has been throughout the process.

Rajeev Khurana


My husband and I hired Angela to design our new home in 20 hours. We set a budget for ourselves and tried our very best to stick with it (which included a designer fee). Angela's taste level is impeccable and she was able to turn our house into a home right from the get go. We cannot believe how much she was able to accomplish in a mere 20 hours. Numerous options of various furnishings were emailed to me and a shopping day to accessorize added the necessary touches to make my husband, myself and my son feel at home. Although we still have some pieces to order, the initial 20 hours spent with Angela were well worth it. I would highly recommend her services to anyone that is looking for help in decorating their home.

Jaqcueline Lotzof


A rare find. 

We know what that feels like when we have discovered a rare find. Something that speaks to us, invigorates our sense of esthetics, makes us feel like we have happened upon something that few others have and it makes us feel unique among the masses, special. 

That can be said for my cool bedroom chandelier found at a vintage furniture store or the reclaimed Chicago steel hand-made bar in my kitchen, or my medical equipment desk that has been refashioned into a bathroom vanity. 

But “a rare find” can also be used to describe Angela Stone. And that she is. 

Angela “got” me. Understood my love of things old, leather, linen with a hint of contemporary style mixed in. She got it, she ran with it, and the results have culminated in a home that is warm, inviting and wonderful to return to every day. 

I love my home full of rare finds. And for anyone looking to work with a creative, inventive and thrifty designer they, too, will discover a rare find in Angela Stone.

Ann Liston

I found an advertisement on Daily Candy for a weekend make-over after a change in apartments in 2009. I wanted some guidance in replacing my first, post-college furniture buys so I could start investing in items that I would love for years to come. For the first step, Angela asked me some style profile questions (i.e. finished v. raw wood, color preferences, etc) and I sent along the dimensions of the space. Second step was the apartment visit - and in two hours, she completely re-arranged the furniture, talked about the best use of space, and told me which colors to paint which walls. I then started to paint my apartment, and for the third step of the make-over, Angela sent me links to 2-3 different options for each piece that would complete my space. I purchased the items gradually at my own pace, but ultimately stuck to her suggestions and was so happy with the result! 
After another recent move (2013), I asked Angela to come back and help because I could not get a great feel for the space and she, again, in a matter of two hours re-arranged my furniture into the perfect set-up (initially, I was thinking I was going to have to start from scratch.) She then set my plan to fill in the gaps (via Pinterest links this time). Overall, she has a great eye, she introduced me to websites with unique pieces, and helped edit my furniture and found great items that I love. I would recommend her time and again!

Megan Hirschey

I've worked with many Designers, but few have the Integrity that Angela has cultivated in her young years. This is most evident in her choice to include local artisans in her design projects...I'm proud to be one of them!
Angela sees the "Extraordinary" in everyday "ordinary" objects, and elevates them to an honored place in the home. 
Bold and crazy cool, expertly edited, and sophisticated beauty IS Angela Stone Design and is also, Angela. 

Ted Harris


It is with great enthusiasm that I recommend Angela Stone Design. Angela and I have worked together on numerous projects to date. I have often been present from the beginning phases of her projects through completion, and have observed her bring space by space and house by house to life. She inspiring to work along side and I highly recommend her. 

Angela is a unique designer in that she takes time to strategically and meticulously learn not just about her client's taste or aesthetic preferences, but to also learn about who that person is, including their interests and inspirations, so that she can use her expertise to design for YOU. She is deeply perceptive, and with her understanding of her clients, she also brings her own well rounded sense of style, visual organization, sophistication, and uninhibited yet grounded character to her client's homes.

Urban Environments